He was born on July 25, 1864 in Żywaczów (present-day Ukraine – Zhyvachiv). He studied law in Chernivtsi, then theology and philosophy at the Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv. Thanks to his initiative, “Ruch Katolicki” (from 1897) and “Przedświt” (from 1900) started to come out. In 1901, he was appointed Bishop of the Armenian Catholic Church in Lviv. In the years 1902-1918, he was a deputy to the Galician Sejm and member of the Vienna Herrenhaus (House of Lords). After Poland regained independence, he joined the National Democracy (Narodowa Demokracja) political movement, and was a deputy to the Sejm in 1919-1922. After the May Coup d’État carried out by Józef Piłsudski in 1926, Teodorowicz proved himself to be a determined opponent of the Sanation political movement and supporter of Roman Dmowski, seeking support of the Episcopate for the Camp of Great Poland (Obóz Wielkiej Polski), which was in opposition to Piłsudski’s government. He actively participated in the works of the Episcopal Conference, was a member of the Episcopal Commission from 1919, and from 1928, sat on the Legal Commission of the Conference. In the years 1928-1936, he was the chairman of the Press and Pastoral Commission. His publications include: Z dziejowej chwili [Of a Historic Moment] (1918), Na przełomie. Przemówienia i kazania narodowe [At a Turning Point. National Speeches and Sermons] (1923), Okruchy ewangeliczne [Evangelical Crumbs] (1923), Myśl religijna w narodzie [Religious Thought in the Nation] (1934), Z Chrystusem Jezusem. Rozważania [With Jesus Christ. Deliberations] (1947). He died on 4 December 1938 in Lviv.